How should organizations promote an healthy lifestyle? Join ActivU survey!

European people called to join ActivU survey regarding good and positive healthy lifestyle..

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Within the Erasmus+ project, Activate Healthy Lifestyle through Counselling for You (ActivU), MSV and all the consortium partners have launched the survey in order to find out what people think: how should organizations promote an healthy and positive lifestyle?

The ActivU project addresses the topic of, encourage participation in physical activity (PA), supporting the implementation of the Council Recommendation on health-enhancing, following EU Guidelines.

ActivU aims to increase awareness and behavioral change in former active citizens with and without disabilities toward a healthy active lifestyle through enrichment of counselling and prescription procedures to effective use of physical activity and other health behaviors.

Here the link to the survey: ActivU survey

Here the link to ActivU official web page

Here the link to ActivU official FB page