It is over the intense International Meeting held in Bari as usual at the PalaCarrassi Sports building (Bari, Italy) which became Erasmus+ Hub Center for the planned events, in the presence of the partners of Romania, Portugal and Slovenia for the project co-financed by the European Commission within of the Erasmus+ Sport program called Adaptive Sport Programme. From 19 to 21 April, "3 Study Visits" were carried out through 3 Apulian sports organizations, true excellences in Sport with disabilities: HBARI2003 and VOLARE PIù IN ALTO, Sport Project - Municipal Swimming Pool of Bitonto and OLTRE SPORT. Basketball Weelchair, Swimming and Powerchair Football have excited the organizations that arrived in Bari, with which they have allowed us to further enrich the good practices achieved to date, as well as the technical information that will allow us to complete the ASP Playbook to the project objectives to reach. An intense press review was promoted to give focus on Sport and Disability through the European dimension of the Erasmus+ Sport program thanks to the respective Press Offices of the 3 organizations involved. Asd Margherita Sport e Vita confirms its international leadership in the Paralympic Sport sector and the promotion of #Sportforall as a priority asset.