Erasmus+ Sport project : Last Dance for #EWB

Last TPM in Sibenik for complete 18 months great experience improving Basketball for women

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MSV Basket in preparation for #SIBENIK during last act of Erasmus+ Sport project #EWB – Empowering Women in Basketball with great organization of Anda Jelavic Basketball Academy.

Let’s start once again! Flight no. 5/12 Bari-Roma-Split to attend the last TPM in the presence of partners and #Croazia #Slovenia .Event expected to monitor the latest advances of activities and organized by our Croatian partners and the capacity demostrate how in the Basketball all these athletes can to reach ambicious opportunities as Coach, Sport Developer, Athletic trainer , etc

Departing with a really TOP team: Nadja Zotti Pavlovic Alessandro Ravelli
This project is co-funded by the European Commission # Erasmus + Sport Action Program Small Scale