Erasmus+ Sport Project: Dual Career for Junior Athletes (#DCJA) – Final Event

On December 1st 2022, MSV attended the final event for the big project Dual Career for Junior Athletes whose topic is based on dual career, one of the key priorities established by the European Commission.

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DCJA: Project co-founded by the European Commission under the Action Collaborative Project.

On December 1st 2022, MSV attended the final event for the big project Dual Career for Junior Athletes whose topic is based on dual career, one of the key priorities established by the European Commission.

The conference took place at the National Sports Institute of Warsaw (Poland) and saw the participation of around 100 people. All of them were provided with the final handbook of the project.

The first goal of DCJA project was to increase the awareness in young people – starting from the early age – in order to spark the idea that it is important to have a long-term planning for sport, education and employment.

Spartaco Grieco and Anda Peagle presented the developed activities related to the WP for which MSV was in charge: quality assurance of the project. MSV joined the event along with Pietro Petruzzelli, Sports and Environment assessor of Municipality of Bari.

This project has lasted 3 years and it is going to end. All the activities were perfectly conducted by all the partners.

The topic of dual career is a fundamental on which MSV will continue to be focused.

Link to the official DCJA webpage:

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