Erasmus+ Sport: Voga & Share-

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Voga e Share project ended! The TPM in Nantes was the final meeting of this interesting project that aimed to create a link between different areas of education and sports, improving the skills of sports clubs for the benefit of schools, with a focus on environmental protection, and supporting rowing as an alternative to motorized boating.

We enjoyed the great location of Nantes and its environment, especially we had the great opportunity to visit the French rowing teams: a great experience!

Finally we shared the Voga & Fun Guideline, a very interesting and helpful guide for athletes and sport organizations!

We want really thank to all the partner for the great work we did together :

Cus Palermo

– SSOI Rijeka

Universidad de Murcia

Fédération Française d’Aviron

Institutul National de Cercetare pentru Sport

#ErasmusPlus #rowing #SportForAll #hls4