Erasmus+ Sport: Healthy and Fit Work Team – HFTeam

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A new and interesting project is starting!!! It’s HFTeam and is a project that aims to increase the level of physical activity of employees with disabilities. Main project output is going to be a sport program that can be implemented as a short sport break between work hours.

Last week we had the first online meeting held by the coordinator from Slovenia, Zavod Trend-Prima, Maribor with all partners, Mehmet Cebder and SPORT VIV

We had the opportunity to discuss about:

1. the project, its goals and its tasks

2. the organization of the next meeting in Maribon, maybe in June 2024

3. the preparation of the Sport program and the discussion of the best practices

What a really great project!!

#ProjectHFTeam #sports #disabilityawareness #erasmussport