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Erasmus+ Sport: Smart Start 4 DC

This week we had a very useful and amazing meeting with all partners of SS4DC, an important project that aims to encourage the dual career

Erasmus+ Sport: Smart Start 4DC

Despite the summer break the project never stopped. Last week we had an online meeting because it was necessary to define and clarify some operating

Erasmus+ Sport: ACON

Acon is a project that promotes and encourages the athletes’ dual career and wants to expand dual career implementation and dual career digital environment through

Erasmus+ Sport: ACON

Today we had an online meeting to discuss with all partners the progress of ACON, an innovative project which promotes and encourages the athletes’ dual career

Erasmus+ Sport: Smart Start 4dc

Last week we were in #Cyprus for TPM2 in #SS4DC, a project that aims to encourage the dual career of young athletes of high school

Erasmus+Sport: Sport Super Power

At the end of June we had a meeting online of Sport Super Power, a very big and important project that explores individual potential based

Erasmus+ Sport: ACON

Yesterday we had an online meeting with all partners to discuss about the project, its activities and goals The project is progressing well. After an

Erasmus+ Sport: ACON

Athlete Connect/ACON it’s a project co-funded by European Union has started! The #ACON project focuses on updating and digitalizing athletes and coaches dual career support

Erasmus+ Sport: Smart Start for DC

Here we are: all the partners of Smart Start for DC project are in Zagreb for the Kick-Off Meeting perfectly organized by @Pesg Two very

Erasmus+ Sport: #Smart Start for DC

The communication package is ready! When a project starts, it is important to implement and schedule a series of dissemination activities and to prepare a