Basketball for Life Skill – BASKI

BASKI partners met in Thessaloniki (Greece): manual and e-learning platforms will be finalized in the next steps.

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MSV Staff could finally meet its partners: Cyprus Basketball Federation (project coordinator), Romanian Basketball Federation, Bulgarian Basketball Federation, Macedonian Basketball Federation, Center for Social Innovation – CSI, and Anatolia College – ACT.

On 15th November 2021 finally BASKI partners could meet and go through all the steps carried out so far (IO 1 and IO 3 phase) and could set the basis for IO 2 phase.

Spartaco Grieco and Anda Paegle, on behalf of MSV, could illustrated the draft of the manual developed so far. The manual will be used by basketball coaches and players in order to develop their skills, on the basis of the guidelines set by all the partners.

Future steps concern the development of an e-learning platform that will be used by basketball coaches.

Next meeting will be held in Bari (Italy) in March 2022.

Link to the official website of the BASKI project:

Link to the full news:
