A great day for Spartaco Grieco: invited to the info-day of La Sapienza University

Spartaco Grieco invited to the presentation of the Master Programme of La Sapienza University; Master Programme in European Projects

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Today the University La Sapienza of Rome held the info day dedicated to the Master Programme in European Projects (Le opportunità della Progettazione Europea – Master di I livello in Europrogettazione e Professioni Europee).

Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, rector of the University and Director of the Master, gave his welcome to the participants. Then, Valeria Fiore (Ufficio di collegamento in Italia del Parlamento Europeo) and Raffaele Torino (Professor within the Master Programme) intervened.

The coordinator of the Master, Andrea Rocchi, could present the new aspects of the academic year 2021/22 and the professor Vanni Resta showed the job opportunities within Erasmus+ Programmes.

Afterwards, it was the turn of ACES Europe – Delegazione Italia with its president, Vincenzo Lupatelli, and MSV project manager, Spartaco Grieco, who talked about the project Spicy-2-GET which was applied by the students of the past year (2020/21).

The final floor was for professor Andrea Baldoni who shared details about European projects.This has been a great day which makes MSV proud of what we have done so far.

Furthermore, Spartaco Grieco could share with the participants one of the positive outcome of the previous edition, that is to say the working collaboration started with one of the La Sapienza University student who joined the last edition of the Master (Francesca Falqui).

A big thank to La Sapienza University for inviting MSV within this infoday.