REPORT OF YOUNG VOLUNTEER COACHES NEEDS: the first intellectual output of RePlay 2.0 project

Published the first intellectual output of RePlay project. Partners have already been working on the second intellectual output.

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RePLAY 2.0, Project aims at promoting an high-quality mentoring program among sports universities students and young volunteer coaches belonging to grassroots sports organizations which deal with kids and young athletes coming from disadvantaged and less active groups.

The project aims to improve their capacity of promoting social inclusion through sport. One of the segment through which this mentoring program will be developped is based on the principles of sport dual career and it will be dedicated to first-level and second-level sports universities students and to young volunteer coaches of sport organizations.

With this regard, we are glad to share the first Intellectual Output of the project: “REPORT OF YOUNG VOLUNTEER COACHES NEEDS” which has been developped during these last months (2021) and has been written by the Portuguese partner of Universidade da Maia – ISMAI.

This report is the result of the survey carried out across the Countries of the project partners (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Sweden, Serbia) and it is meant to identify the main needs of young coaches of sports clubs that want to improve their training skills with their groups of kids and young players.

The result of this survey is the starting point from which the Project will create a customized mentoring and training program.RePlay Expert Group (REG) has already started to work on it, the first goal will be the issue of an agreement between partners and universities/sports clubs/NGOs.

To read the full report document, visit the official RePlay webpage and click on resources section.

This project is financed by the European Commission / #EACEA Agency under the Collaborative Partnership Action.

For further information, please check RePlay FB page and the official RePlay website