Welcome 2023! A new project funded from Cyprus National Agency called FORThe!

NEW2023 start with the right inspiration through a new project undeer KA2 Sport!

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Agreement 2022-2-CY02-KA220-YOU-000095422 with projeect Forging the inclusion of persons with disabilities in climate action through 3×3 basketball urban sport” under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2: Partnerships for Cooperation

Its the first time for MSV be part within of this important new item of project, for sure Basketball and Sport for disable in Climate action its an important challenge! This project, coordinate from 3on3 Cyprus LTD, Limassol(CY) , will start from 15/04/72023 with a two years proroject. All MSV team is proud can count on the large experience of Regional Committee Puglia for Italian Basketball Federation, after several national and international competions oganized with Fiba 3×3, will garantuee the right success as well thiis time.