Erasmus+Sport Project: GREW – Kick-off meeting in Sophia

Today in Sophia Spartaco Grieco has attended the kick-off meeting of the new project GREW.

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Erasmus+ Small Collaborative Partnership – Project co-founded by the European Commission

Today in Sophia Spartaco Grieco has attended the kick-off meeting of the new project GREW.

This Erasmus+ Sport project sees the collaboration of the following partners:

– Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu (Coordinator)

– APS ASD Margherita Sport e Vita

– Mundus Bulgaria

– MV International

GREW is based on the development of methdologies within the social inclusion in order to face the phenomena of racism, violence, intolerance and discrimination in sport.

Special attention will be paid to the young people and to the prevention of racism in sport.

This topics are strongly related to the Commission program, which aims to promote dialogue and exchange of best practices in existing cooperation frameworks.