Thanks to the great collaboration of the Apulian Basketball Federation Committee and of Apulian Basketball Referees Committee, "Amateur Alliance of Amateur Basketball Refrees" goes further.

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Thanks to the great collaboration of the Apulian Basketball Federation  Committee and of Apulian Basketball Referees Committee, "Amateur Alliance of Amateur Basketball Refrees" goes further.

The project, whose focus is the training of young basketball referees at European level, has just seen the conclusion of its third meeting which took place in Nis (Serbia). MSV joined this meeting along with 5 Apulian referees - under the supervision of Spartaco Grieco - during three intese days.

During these Serbian days, our Italian referees had the opportunity to meet referees from other countries and referee an amateur basketball game. Moreover, it was the occasion tho show the handbook proposed by MSV thanks to the great work of Francesco Iaia.

The objectives of the project are:
- Develop a new methodology for the training of amateur basketball referees;
- Develop the training module for referees. This activity will provide young athletes and players with the improvement of skill expertise and skills/competences among young basketball referees;
- Establish the AoABR Network.

The project will provide a set of skills for referees in basketball, particularly focusing on young players by offering them an alternative after finishing the basketball career.

This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.