
Erasmus+ Sport: Traditgam

Last week we had a online meeting to discuss about we did and about what we have to do. The project- that aims to promote

Erasmus+ Sport: Sport Super Power

Thanks to expertise of CUS Padova, a comprehensive Mental Health Survey has been developed. A very useful tool that, integrated with fitness tests, will permit

Erasmus+ Sport: ACON

Today we had an online meeting to discuss with all partners the progress of ACON, an innovative project which promotes and encourages the athletes’ dual career

Erasmus+ Sport: Traditgam

What a interesting project!! #Traditgam aims  to promote interculturality, traditional values and transgenerational mobility through traditional games.In these months we collected a lot of traditional games

Erasmus+ Sport: Together we grow

Il progetto Together We Grow inizia il suo percorso formativo , attraverso il primo dei sei tornei organizzati grazie alla preziosa collaborazione della storica ASD


Let’s know the partner of #HFTeam, a project that deals with increasing the level of physical activity of employees with disabilities. Coordinator is Zavod Trend-Prima,

Erasmus+ Sport: GAPWOMEN

To mark International Women’s Rights Day, Margherita Sport e Vita organized two events focusing on resilience and women’s participation in soccer. These events are part

Erasmus+ Sport: Outspo

Today we are in Bari, at Palacarrassi, for the final Transnational meeting of OUTSPO “Outdoor Sports in Nature for Skills Development”, a project with a