

We had a Virtual mentoring session of HERSPORT, the “last act” in our project that aims to reduce gender and social inequalities using football as

Erasmus+ Sport: OUTSPO

È giunto a conclusione, dopo due anni di attività, OUTSPO, progetto europeo che incoraggia la partecipazione allo sport e all’attività fisica nella natura e promuove

Erasmus+ Sport: ARCHORI

All partners are in Bari for the TrainingInternational Archery Orienteering, held in collaboration with the “A.M. Horse Club” riding school in Triggiano (BA).Three days of training which

Erasmus+ Sport: ACON

Athlete Connect/ACON it’s a project co-funded by European Union has started! The #ACON project focuses on updating and digitalizing athletes and coaches dual career support

Erasmus + Sport: Cultural Sports Day

In these months we achieved some important goals of Cultural Sports Day, a project aimed at increasing the level of physical activities of children through

Erasmus + Sport: Sport Super Power

Erasmus + Sport: Sport Super Power At Sport Super Power, we would like to discover the sporting potential of each person. it is important because it

Erasmus+ Sport: Forthe

We are in Krakow for the TPM of FORTHE, a project that encourages the social inclusion of youth with disabilities through urban sports and through

Erasmus+ Sport: GREW

We are in Kielce, Poland, for the final meeting of GREW, a project that deal with the development of methdologies within the social #inclusion in

A 2024 full of Erasmus Project

2024 is truly a year of many, beautiful and innovative projects that will allow us to work with qualified partners in order to promote sporting