#SPORTin project close to the end with great enthusiasm

Despite the difficulties caused by pandemic crisis, all the goals were achieved with great enthusiasm and success.

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Final round for #SPORTin partners.

The last TPM took place on November 23th 2021 in the Slovenian town of Konice and hosted by the Slovenian Zavod za šport Slovenske Konjice (project coordinator).

Despite the difficulties caused by pandemic crisis and the exit of our English partner, all the goals were achieved with great enthusiasm and success

One of the most important project objective was the increase and development of local, national and international networking for sport as tool of inclusion and healthy lifestyle, from spontaneous and daily life activities (cycling to work/school/universities) to those planned and managed by sports clubs.

Among the project activities, there was as well the one related to the study visits, which were fully accomplished. This time in Konice we visited sports facilities connected to the hosting partner – a special mention goes to the pump track that has been recently built for skateboarding lovers.

The project has been co-founded by the European Union within Erasmus+ Sport Programme, action Small Collaborative Partnership.